3DFx Voodoo Environment Variables Default Value Possible Values Description FX_CPU FX_GLIDE_BOUNDS_CHECK FX_GLIDE_LWM FX_GLIDE_NO_SPLASH 0 0 or 1 1 = Disable 3Dfx logo animation. FX_GLIDE_SHAMELESS_PLUG 0 or 1 Enables display of a static 3Dfx logo upon
Glide init. FX_GLIDE_SNAPSHOT FX_GLIDE_SST2 FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL 1 (?) 0 / 1 / 2 0 = off (might improve performance). 0 to
swap backbuffer/frontbuffer ASAP, 1 to swap on Vsync, 2 to swap every
two Vsyncs. GV_ENV_GAMMA GV_ENV_TEXTURE_SQUARE_STATE SST_ARCADE SST_BACKPORCH SST_BGAMMA 0 to 1.95 Adjusts Blue Gamma SST_BOARDS Allows several Voodoo boards to be used
in one system, across several monitors acting as one big monitor/screen SST_DEBUGDAC 0 (off) 0 or 1 Displays DAC debug information SST_DIMENSIONS SST_DUALHEAD 0 (off) 0 or 1 Enable dual monitor support. SST_FASTMEM 0 (off) 0 or 1 Enables fast DRAM and EDO settings. SST_FASTPCIRD 0 (off) 0 or 1 Enables Fast PCI read, subtract waitstates
on PCI reads. (Voodoo -> PCI) SST_FBICFG Frame Buffer Interface config register.
Set Gouraud types, etc. SST_FBIMEM_SIZE Amount RAM in Kb (?) Amount of Frame Buffer RAM installed. Overrides
autodetect by Glide. SST_FT_CLK_DEL Speed at which Frame Buffer memory can be
accessed. SST_GAMMA 0 to 1.95 Adjusts global gamma. SST_GGAMMA 0 to 1.95 Adjusts green global gamma. SST_GRXCLK 50 Set graphic clock rate in MHz. Speeds up
to 75 MHz have been reported, but 57 MHz is most common. SST_HSYNC 0 (off) 0 or 1 Enable Horizontal sync. SST_IGNORE_INIT_REGISTERS 0 (off) 0 or 1 Allows initializing the Voodoo Chipset,
even if the Voodoo is already initialized. This is good to init the chipset
after an abnormal program termination. SST_IGNORE_INIT_VIDEO SST_IGNORE_SLI_CHECK 0 (off) 0 or 1 Ignore autodetect of slave frame buffer
chip for speed doubling. SST_INITDEBUG 0 0 or 1 Enables displaying of Glide debug information
in DOS shell. SST_INITDEBUG_FILE Valid Filenames Instead of displaying the info on screen,
Glide writes the info to the specified file. SST_MEMINFO_HWM High Water Mark ? (Max Mem Usage) SST_MEMINFO_LFB LFBChip memory memory r/w FIFO buffer size SST_MEMINFO_LWM Low Water Mark ? (Min Mem) SST_MEMINFO_TEX Texture Chip memory memory r/w FIFO buffer
size SST_NODEVICEINFO SST_NOSHUTDOWN 0 (off) 0 or 1 Do not reinitialize Voodoo (1) on program
termination. SST_PCIFIFO_LWM SST_PCIRD 0 or 1 1 = enable fast PCI read SST_PFT_CLK_DEL Preliminary (initial) speed at which the
frame buffer memory can be accessed. SST_PFT_CLK0_DEL Preliminary (initial) texture chip 0 memory
access speed in delayed clocks. SST_PFT_CLK1_DEL Preliminary (initial) texture chip 1 memory
access speed in delayed clocks. SST_PFT_CLK2_DEL Preliminary (initial) texture chip 2 memory
access speed in delayed clocks. SST_RGAMMA 0 to 1.95 Adjusts Red Gamma SST_SCREENREFRESH 60 60,75,85,120 Set vertical screen refresh rate in Hz. SST_SCREENREZ Virtual screen resolution SST_SLIDETECT Scan line interpolation. Detect slave Voodoo
chipset subsystem. SST_SLIM_PVOUT_CLKDEL Master frame buffer chip preliminary pixel
clock delay. SST_SLIM_VIN_CLKDEL Master video in clock delay, for external
sync / genlocking SST_SLIM_VOUT_CLKDEL Master system clock delay. Only valid if
multiple FBI's and TMU's are present. SST_SLIS_PVOUT_CLKDEL Slave frame buffer chip preliminary pixel
clock delay. SST_SLIS_VIN_CLKDEL Slave system video in clock delay (for sync
to master) SST_SLIS_VOUT_CLKDEL Slave system clock delay. Only valid if
multiple FBI's and TMU's are present. SST_SLOWPCIWR Adds waitstates to PCI bus writes to Voodoo
memory and I/O. (PCI->Voodoo) SST_SWAP_EN_WAIT_ON_VSYNC 1 0 or 1 0 = Turn of syncing to the monitor's vertical
refresh rate. SST_TEXMAP_DISABLE 0 0 or 1 Disables texture mapping (1) SST_TF0_CLK_DEL Texture chip 0 memory access in delayed
clocks SST_TF1_CLK_DEL Texture chip 1 memory access in delayed
clocks SST_TF2_CLK_DEL Texture chip 2 memory access in delayed
clocks SST_TF_FIFO_TRESH CPU/Frame Buffer Writes/reads to the texture
map memory is done through FIFO since the texture map chip might be doing
something with that memory at the time. This sets texture map write/read
FIFO threshold to tell Glide that FIFO needs to be serviced and then may
accept more data from either frame buffer or CPU. SST_TILESINX SST_TMUCFG Texture Chip Direct Bitmapped Config Register.
Sets Texture types, overlay etc. directly. SST_TMUMEM_SIZE Amount of texture RAM in KB (?) Amount of texture RAM. Overrides Glide autodetect. SST_TMUMEM SST_TREX0INIT0 Texture Chip 0 Direct Bitmapped Primary
Init Register (Glide will change the values of ; these registers depending
on other environment variables). SST_TREX0INIT1 Texture Chip 0 Direct Bitmapped Secondary
Init Register SST_TREX1INIT0 Texture Chip 1 Direct Bitmapped Primary
Init Register SST_TREX1INIT1 Texture Chip 1 Direct Bitmapped Secondary
Init Register SST_TREX2INIT0 Texture Chip 2 Direct Bitmapped Primary
Init Register SST_TREX2INIT1 Texture Chip 2 Direct Bitmapped Secondary
Init Register SST_TRIPLE_BUFFER If program does no Z or Alpha buffering,
use AUX. buffer as hidden speed buffer. SST_VFIFO_TRESH Threshold of PCI -> Voodoo frame buffer
access before FIFO is to be serviced. SST_VGA_PASS 1 0 or 1 Enable VGA pass-trough (1) SST_VIDCLK2X SST_VIDEO_24BPP 0 0 or 1 Enable 24-bit video mode (1) SST_VIDEO_CLEARCOLOR 0 or 1 Color fill backbuffer during a page flip.
(0 = enable) SST_VIDEO_DISABLE Disable video DAC information stream. Syncing
may still be active. SST_VIDEO_FILTER_DISABLE Disable 24->16 bit dithering SST_VIDEO_FILTER_TRESHOLD 16bit pixel value threshold, in which smoothing
will be applied to inside adjacent pixels. SST_VIDEO_NOCLEAR Don't clear backbuffer during a page flip. SST_VIN_CLKDEL Single Voodoo system video in clock delay SST_VOUT_CLKDEL Single Voodoo system video out clock delay SST_VSYNC 1 0 or 1 Disable vsync, may increase performance
Glide init. FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL 1 (?) 0 / 1 / 2 0 = off (might improve performance). 0 to
swap backbuffer/frontbuffer ASAP, 1 to swap on Vsync, 2 to swap every
two Vsyncs. FX_SNAPSHOT SSTV2_ALLOC_AUX SSTV2_ALLOC_COLOR SSTV2_BACKPORCH SSTV2_BGAMMA 0 to 1.95 Adjusts Blue Gamma SSTV2_BOARDS Allows several Voodoo boards to be used
in one system, across several monitors acting as one big monitor/screen SSTV2_CMDFIFO_DIRECT SSTV2_CMDFIFO_NOHOLES SSTV2_DEBUGDAC 0 (off) 0 or 1 Displays DAC debug information SSTV2_DEVICEID SSTV2_DIMENSIONS SSTV2_FASTMEM 0 (off) 0 or 1 Enables fast DRAM and EDO settings. SSTV2_FASTPCIRD 0 (off) 0 or 1 Enables Fast PCI read, subtract waitstates
on PCI reads. (Voodoo -> PCI) SSTV2_FAST_RAS_READS SSTV2_FBICFG Frame Buffer Interface config register.
Set Gouraud types, etc. SSTV2_FBI_MEMSIZE Amount RAM in Kb (?) Amount of Frame Buffer RAM installed. Overrides
autodetect by Glide. SSTV2_FORCE_BILINEAR SSTV2_FORCE_TRILINEAR SSTV2_FT_CLKDEL Speed at which Frame Buffer memory can be
accessed. SSTV2_GAMMA Adjusts global gamma. SSTV2_GGAMMA Adjusts green global gamma. SSTV2_GRXCLK Set graphic clock rate in MHz. SSTV2_HSYNC 0 (off) 0 or 1 Enable Horizontal sync. SSTV2_IGNORE_IDLE SSTV2_IGNORE_IDLE SSTV2_IGNORE_IDLE SSTV2_IGNORE_INIT_REGISTERS 0 (off) 0 or 1 Allows initializing the Voodoo Chipset,
even if the Voodoo is already initialized. This is good to init the chipset
after an abnormal program termination. SSTV2_IGNORE_INIT_VIDEO SSTV2_INITDEBUG 0 0 or 1 Ignore autodetect of slave frame buffer
chip for speed doubling. SSTV2_INITDEBUG_FILE Valid Filenames Instead of displaying the info on screen,
Glide writes the info to the specified file. SSTV2_MEMFIFO_ENTRIES SSTV2_MEMFIFO_HWM High Water Mark ? (Max Mem Usage) SSTV2_MEMFIFO_LFB LFBChip memory memory r/w FIFO buffer size SSTV2_MEMFIFO_LWM Low Water Mark ? (Min Mem) SSTV2_MEMFIFO_TEX Texture Chip memory memory r/w FIFO buffer
size SSTV2_MEMOFFSET SSTV2_NODEVICEINFO SSTV2_NOSHUTDOWN 0 (off) 0 or 1 Do not reinitialize Voodoo (1) on program
termination. SSTV2_NUM_TMUS SSTV2_PCIFIFO_LWM SSTV2_PFT_CLKDEL Preliminary (initial) speed at which the
frame buffer memory can be accessed. SSTV2_PTF0_CLKDEL Preliminary (initial) texture chip 0 memory
access speed in delayed clocks. SSTV2_PTF1_CLKDEL Preliminary (initial) texture chip 1 memory
access speed in delayed clocks. SSTV2_PTF2_CLKDEL Preliminary (initial) texture chip 2 memory
access speed in delayed clocks. SSTV2_REFRESH_1024x768 SSTV2_REFRESH_512x384 SSTV2_REFRESH_640x400 SSTV2_REFRESH_640x480 SSTV2_REFRESH_800x600 SSTV2_REFRESH_960x720 SSTV2_RGAMMA 0 to 1.95 Adjusts Red Gamma SSTV2_SCREENREFRESH Set vertical screen refresh rate in Hz. SSTV2_SCREENREZ Virtual screen resolution SSTV2_SIPROCESS_CNTR SSTV2_SLIDETECT Scan line interpolation. Detect slave Voodoo
chipset subsystem. SSTV2_SLIM_PVOUT_CLKDEL Master frame buffer chip preliminary pixel
clock delay. SSTV2_SLIM_VIN_CLKDEL Master video in clock delay, for external
sync / genlocking SSTV2_SLIM_VOUT_CLKDEL Master system clock delay. Only valid if
multiple FBI's and TMU's are present. SSTV2_SLISWAP SSTV2_SLIS_PVOUT_CLKDEL Slave frame buffer chip preliminary pixel
clock delay. SSTV2_SLIS_VIN_CLKDEL Slave system video in clock delay (for sync
to master) SSTV2_SLIS_VOUT_CLKDEL Slave system clock delay. Only valid if
multiple FBI's and TMU's are present. SSTV2_SLOWPCIWR SSTV2_SWAPBOARDS SSTV2_TEXMAP_DISABLE 0 0 or 1 Disables texture mapping (1) SSTV2_TF0_CLKDEL Texture chip 0 memory access in delayed
clocks SSTV2_TF1_CLKDEL Texture chip 1 memory access in delayed
clocks SSTV2_TF2_CLKDEL Texture chip 2 memory access in delayed
clocks SSTV2_TF_FIFO_THRESH CPU/Frame Buffer Writes/reads to the texture
map memory is done through FIFO since the texture map chip might be doing
something with that memory at the time. This sets texture map write/read
FIFO threshold to tell Glide that FIFO needs to be serviced and then may
accept more data from either frame buffer or CPU. SSTV2_TILESINX SSTV2_TMUCFG Texture Chip Direct Bitmapped Config Register.
Sets Texture types, overlay etc. directly. SSTV2_TMU_MEMSIZE Amount of texture RAM in KB (?) Amount of texture RAM. Overrides Glide autodetect. SSTV2_TREX0INIT0 Texture Chip 0 Direct Bitmapped Primary
Init Register (Glide will change the values of ; these registers depending
on other environment variables). SSTV2_TREX0INIT1 Texture Chip 0 Direct Bitmapped Secondary
Init Register SSTV2_TREX1INIT0 Texture Chip 1 Direct Bitmapped Primary
Init Register SSTV2_TREX1INIT1 Texture Chip 1 Direct Bitmapped Secondary
Init Register SSTV2_TREX2INIT0 Texture Chip 2 Direct Bitmapped Primary
Init Register SSTV2_TREX2INIT1 Texture Chip 2 Direct Bitmapped Secondary
Init Register SSTV2_VFIFO_THRESH Threshold of PCI -> Voodoo frame buffer
access before FIFO is to be serviced. SSTV2_VGA_PASS 1 0 or 1 Enable VGA pass-trough (1) SSTV2_VIDCLK2X SSTV2_VIDEO_24BPP 0 0 or 1 Enable 24-bit video mode (1) SSTV2_VIDEO_CLEARCOLOR 0 or 1 Color fill backbuffer during a page flip.
(0 = enable) SSTV2_VIDEO_DISABLE Disable video DAC information stream. Syncing
may still be active. SSTV2_VIDEO_FILTER_DISABLE Disable 24->16 bit dithering SSTV2_VIDEO_FILTER_THRESHOLD 16bit pixel value threshold, in which smoothing
will be applied to inside adjacent pixels. SSTV2_VIDEO_NOCLEAR Don't clear backbuffer during a page flip. SSTV2_VIN_CLKDEL Single Voodoo system video in clock delay SSTV2_VOUT_CLKDEL Single Voodoo system video out clock delay SSTV2_VSYNC Disable vsync, may increase performance
(0) SST_DUALHEAD 0 (off) 0 or 1 Enable dual monitor support. SST_INITDEBU 0 0 or 1 Enables displaying of Glide debug information
in DOS shell.
© www.bahnhof.se
Voodoo / Voodoo II
0 = off / 1 = on.
0 = off / 1 = on.
0 = off / 1 = on.
0 = off / 1 = on.
Beware ! Can cause damage !
0 = off / 1 = on.
0 = off / 1 = on
0 = off / 1 = on
0 = off / 1 = on
Voodoo2 Graphics Variables
0 = off / 1 = on.
0 = off / 1 = on.
0 = off / 1 = on.
Beware ! Can cause damage !
0 = off / 1 = on.
0 = off / 1 = on
0 = off / 1 = on
0 = off / 1 = on.
0 = off / 1 = on
Note: These lists are still incomplete. Incorrect use of these variables may damage
your card. The author of this site can't be held responsible for the possible
damage to your card caused by incorrect use of these variables. This list of variables
is not supported by 3Dfx Interactive. If you have explanations of variables
I don't have, please mail them to me.
Most variables don't work on 3Dfx Voodoo Rush cards. The Voodoo Graphics variables
list was originally compiled by E.K.Lee, while
the Voodoo2 variables list was originally compiled by Daron